No More Junk Food

A year without sugar and processed foods

I Give.

Posted by Diane on May 2, 2010

It’s just too friggin hard to stay away from sugar.

Jack and I were talking about this, and we both agree that we’ve made some substantial changes in our lives as a result of our eating experiment. I can walk into CVS or 7-11, and not even want a candy bar. That stuff is crap. We’ve both stopped drinking soda, and I’m good with that as well. Store-bought cookies are no longer appealing, and except when we’re feeling lazy, food in the frozen section of the grocery store holds very little appeal.

We both enjoy a good ice cream, but when we eat some Ben & Jerry’s or some Haagen Daaz, it feels like a sugar bomb has exploded in our bodies, and neither one of us feels good afterwards. However, the homemade ice cream that I make with honey–I can eat that in small portions and I feel great afterwards, so we’re going to stick with that.

But the sugar. Particularly when packaged with chocolate. Can’t give it up. Every once in a while, you just want a chocolate bar. Or a butter cookie. Just something…sweet! And to stay completely away from sugar requires a level of commitment to the principle of our experiment that I just don’t think we have anymore. It was a glorious few months when we managed to commit to complete abstinence, but I don’t know if we can do it again. Or if we even want to.

The rest of our experiment is still intact. But I think we’re going to cave on the sugar.

One Response to “I Give.”

  1. kim said

    I came across your blog and have found it really really interesting. I am doing a 12 step programme for food addiction and absolutely relate to everything you guys have written. I did really well for 8 months and lost 90 pounds then, like you, gave into the sugar cravings and had an all out week long binge. It was pretty awful, I felt like crap, ate so much that I was sick, continued eating even when I was full and really struggled to get back on track. Thankfully I am back on track now but the mental obsession with food, especially chocolate, is drivng me insane. If something is so bad for us why do we crave it?! Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree with what you guys are doing and wish you all the best.

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